Renegade Outplayed includes four friends who are dedicated lifelong geeks: John, Jon, Judy, and Amanda.
The words “geek,” and “nerd” are badges that the four of us have worn with pride for decades.
But if we stopped there, it wouldn’t be saying anything new. Gone are the days when geeks and nerds were societal outcasts, forced to band together. Nowadays, it’s trendy to be a geek, with more and more people playing games and taking up the mantle that used to be a pariah.
However, even with the advent of geekdom becoming a trend, we’ve noticed a disturbing holdover from the days of old: gatekeeping. Many of those who have been part of a fandom for years refuse to let newcomers in.
Our mission at Renegade Outplayed is to bash down those gates. We hope to provide an informative space, both for newcomers and veterans of various fandoms, so that various geeky tabletop games and interests can be brought to the entire world without any fear of judgment.
About John
John is a talented web developer and designer. His expertise in the lore of various MMORPGs is perhaps unparalleled, and his love of card games is surpassed only by Jon’s.
Since he’s the only one of us with a degree related to maintaining a website – namely, a bachelor’s in graphic design – he’s the one who takes care of the overall look of the site. If something goes wrong with the code, he’s the one who fixes it on the backend.
About Jonathan
Yes, there are two Jo(h)ns involved in the making of this blog. The way we distinguish between them is by calling one John and the other Jonathan.
Jon is our expert on all things card and board games. If it has cards in it, he knows all about it or collects it. His prolific collection of Magic: the Gathering and Pokemon cards is the stuff of dreams.
He’s also one of the best MOBA players we know. Any questions you may have about the metas in Pokemon Unite or League of Legends are things he likely holds the answer to.
About Judy
Unlike the rest of us, Judy hasn’t necessarily had the same lifelong commitment to all that is geeky in terms of gaming. However, her love of various 80’s fandoms – including She-Ra and He-Man – earns her the same geek badge we all have.
When she’s not biting her tongue at Jonathan in a Magic game, she can be found reading Agatha Christie novels or sipping on tea. Usually both at the same time.
Judy functions as our social media person and keeps an eye on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
About Amanda
Amanda is our resident writer (and, funnily enough, the person writing this). Her first brush with all things geeky came from a JRPG called Tales of Symphonia when she was in middle school. Since then, she’s integrated herself in all kinds of fandoms.
She has a degree in paralegal studies, but works full-time as a copywriter. Because she’s already familiar with writing and SEO concepts, she functions as our head writer, researching future content to add and writing posts weekly for the site.