My Favorite Overall Games from the Last Decade

Somewhat recently, I made a list of my favorite horror games of the last decade. As much as I love horror, though, it’s still only a fraction of the games I play.
That’s why I decided to make a list of my favorite overall games of the last decade this time around. I’ll be talking about my ten favorite games from the years 2010-2020 and why I personally liked them.
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Betrayer Game Review

Next on my list of horror games is Betrayer, a stealth-based game that came out in 2014. I can’t say that I looked forward to this one, because I played it several years ago for maybe an hour, got bored, and ultimately gave up then.
However, I decided to attempt to give it a second chance this year. In this Betrayer game review, I’ll tell you what I thought about the game and if I think it’s worth your time.
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